Mars in Virgo is controlled, intelligent, focused and fact driven. There is another opposition in the Equinox chart – Mars in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces. So in spite of the nice dynamics in the Equinox chart militant voices are likely to be the loudest. But Jupiter, mighty though he is, struggles to match the fire power of a Uranus/Saturn trine. Jupiter forms a trine to the karmic South Node in Aquarius, so there is help if those willing to think outside the box speak up. Jupiter in peace and love Libra forms an opposition (like a see-saw) to Uranus in might makes right Aries, indicating the back and forth swing between those who urge diplomatic solutions, versus those who press for combative action. This dynamic connection continues the undeniable force for change in worldly structures and gives access to more creative solutions, and at the personal level helps you tap into your own creative drive too. Saturn forms a trine to Uranus as he has most of this year (looser now, but still active) and they both plug into the karmic North Node in Leo, so we have the Grand Fire Trine which has been blazing in the heavens for months. This earth sign trine increases the potential for smart choices versus off the cuff reactions, and also helps Pluto continue his transformation in more harmonious ways. At macro levels this aids major governmental decision makers, and up close in your own family and relationship life it helps you make calmer more rational choices.Ĭommunicator Mercury is also in Virgo, happy to be in a sign he rules, and forms a favorable trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Venus = Women and Mars = Men, so this also bodes well for better rapport between the sexes.

Mars is in Virgo too adding his energy to more intelligent decision making. Venus as the ruler of Libra is significant in the Equinox chart and this gentle sextile to the Moon brings potential for pragmatic, thoughtful Virgo vibes to calm Scorpio’s stingy tail tendency. However the equinox Moon basically stands alone with only a nice sextile to Venus in Virgo and no negative connection to any other planet. The Moon, reflecting public attitude, is in intense Scorpio which indicates people are not in the mood to take any shit and if it were ill aspected could mean deep trouble brewing. Equinox 2017’s chart is much calmer with several nice planetary connections and few challenging ones. In last’s year’s Equinox chart, which occurred a few weeks before the contentious US presidential election, the planets lined up to form major stressful aspectswhich played out in the tense election and aftermath.